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Sprinter Class Reference

This section details the methods available to the Sprinter class in the Sprinter SDK. Use this reference to understand how to utilize the Sprinter class in your decentralized applications (dApps).


constructor(fetchOptions: Omit<FetchOptions, "signal">)

Initializes the SDK with the given Ethereum provider.


  • fetchOptions: TODO :Sad:


const sprinter = new Sprinter();

getAvailableTokens(): Promise<FungibleToken[]>

Fetches the available fungible tokens across supported blockchain networks.


  • Promise<FungibleToken[]>: A promise that resolves to an array of fungible token objects.


sprinter.getAvailableTokens().then(tokens => {
console.log('Available tokens:', tokens);

getAvailableChains(): Promise<Chain[]>

Fetches the supported blockchain networks.


  • Promise<Chain[]>: A promise that resolves to an array of chain objects.


sprinter.getAvailableChains().then(chains => {
console.log('Supported chains:', chains);

getUserBalances(account: Address, tokens?: FungibleToken[]): Promise<{ [symbol: TokenSymbol]: { balances: FungibleTokenBalance[]; total: string } }>

Fetches the user's balances for specified tokens across multiple blockchains. If no tokens are specified, it fetches balances for all available tokens.


Method will always return native tokens under ETH key


  • account: Targeted account address.
  • tokens: An optional array of fungible token objects.


  • Promise<{ [symbol: TokenSymbol]: { balances: FungibleTokenBalance[]; total: string } }>: A promise that resolves to an object mapping token symbols to balance information.


const ownerAddress = "0x3E101Ec02e7A48D16DADE204C96bFF842E7E2519";
sprinter.getUserBalances(ownerAddress).then(balances => {
console.log('User balances:', balances);

getSolution(settings: SolutionOptions): Promise<SolutionResponse>

Retrieves the optimal solution for managing cross-chain transactions based on the provided settings.


  • settings: An object containing the parameters for the solution request, excluding the account.
    • account: Targeted account address.
    • token: The token symbol (e.g., "USDC").
    • destinationChain: The ID of the destination blockchain.
    • amount: The amount to be transferred.
    • threshold?: An optional threshold parameter.
    • whitelistedSourceChains?: An optional array of whitelisted source chain IDs.


  • Promise<SolutionResponse>: A promise that resolves to a solution response object.


const ownerAddress = "0x3E101Ec02e7A48D16DADE204C96bFF842E7E2519";
account: ownerAddress,
token: "USDC",
destinationChain: 42161, // Destination chain ID
amount: 1000000000 // Amount in the smallest unit (e.g., wei)
}).then(solution => {
console.log('Transaction solution:', solution);

Data Types


Represents an Ethereum address as a string.


Represents a token symbol as a string.


Represents a chain ID as a number.


Represents a fungible token available in the system.


  • addresses: Record<ChainID, Address>: The addresses of the token on different chains.
  • decimals: number: The number of decimals the token uses.
  • logoURI: string: The URI for the token's logo.
  • name: string: The name of the token.
  • symbol: TokenSymbol: The symbol of the token.


Represents a supported blockchain network.


  • chainID: ChainID: The chain ID.
  • chainType: ChainType: The type of the chain.
  • name: string: The name of the chain.
  • logoURI: string: The URI for the chain's logo.
  • rpcurls: string[]: The RPC URLs for the chain.


Represents a balance of a fungible token.


  • balance: string: The balance amount in the smallest unit (e.g., wei).
  • chainId: ChainID: The ID of the chain.
  • tokenDecimals: number: The number of decimals for the token.


Parameters for retrieving a transaction solution.


  • account: Address: The account address.
  • destinationChain: ChainID: The ID of the destination blockchain.
  • token: TokenSymbol: The token symbol (e.g., "USDC").
  • amount: number: The amount to be transferred.
  • threshold?: An optional threshold parameter.
  • whitelistedSourceChains?: An optional array of whitelisted source chain IDs.


Represents a solution for a cross-chain transaction. It can either be an array of solutions or an error.


  • error?: string: An optional error message if the solution failed.
  • solutions?: Solution[]: An array of solution objects if the solution succeeded.


Represents a single solution for a cross-chain transaction.


  • destinationChain: ChainID: The ID of the destination chain.
  • destinationTokenAddress: Address: The address of the destination token.
  • duration: number: The estimated duration for the transaction in seconds.
  • fee: Amount: The fee for the transaction.
  • gasCost: Amount: The gas cost for the transaction.
  • senderAddress: Address: The sender's address.
  • sourceChain: ChainID: The ID of the source chain.
  • sourceTokenAddress: Address: The address of the source token.
  • amount: string: The amount to be transferred.
  • tool: An object containing information about the tool used for the transaction.
    • logoURI: string: The URI for the tool's logo.
    • name: string: The name of the tool.
  • transaction: Transaction: The transaction object to be used for executing the transaction.


Represents a transaction object.


  • chainId: ChainID: The ID of the chain.
  • data: string: The data for the transaction.
  • from: Address: The sender's address.
  • gasLimit: string: The gas limit for the transaction.
  • gasPrice: string: The gas price for the transaction.
  • to: Address: The recipient's address.
  • value: string: The value of the transaction in the smallest unit (e.g., wei).


Represents an amount in both native and USD values.


  • amount: string: The amount in the smallest unit (e.g., wei).
  • amountUSD: number: The equivalent amount in USD.